Friday 1 May 2015


Hello again,

Like in every language, and in English we have expressions that are informal. This means that there are many ways to say the same thing, depending on where you are, who are you talking to, and how you feel. In this lesson, we will be examining the specific vocabulary and structures used in informal situations. 

I'll say - 
This phrase is generally used alone and for emphasis.Used to say - I strongly agree. Example - Did you enjoy the film?-I'll say. 

Fat Chance -
A very poor chance.
Example :Fat chance I’ll ever get a new car.

I rest my case -
Something that you say when someone says or does something that proves the truth of something you have just said.
 Example - 'It's time Natasha left home, or she'll never learn to be independent.' 'She doesn't even know how to boil an egg.' 'I rest my case.'

What's the catch-
A question regarding the condition that is expected to follow a generous favor; "catch" could also be used individually as a term for a condition.
Example - 
Scott: Hey man, my boss got us two free tickets to see the Lakers game. 
Joe: What's the catch? 

Good call - 
Used to express approval (or criticism) of a person's decision or suggestion.
Example - "So you asked her to leave? Good call"

Take your pick - 
To choose what you want.
Example- We've got tea, coffee, or hot chocolate - take your pick.

Make yourself at home.-
Please make yourself comfortable in my home.
Example - Please come in and make yourself at home. 

It's a small world-
Said when a coincidence happens resulting from people knowing each other or meeting each other in unexpected circumstances.. 
Example: I never thought I'd run into Samantha at a movie theatre -it's a small world.

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