Saturday 23 May 2015


Hi there! Today I made an effort to find a webpage that both kids and adults can use to improve their english.On this webpage you can choose between different categories wheter you want to learn some basic English rules or you want your child to start learnig English as soon as possible. There is plenty of cartoons on this webpage so they can watch and learn at the same time.You need to make an account on this webpage but it'all free which is a huge benefit.
If you haven't already checked this page I highly suggest you.Hope you enjoy it.Untill next reading.


  1. Hello Aida. First of all I like to say that I really love your blog. And I read it every single post till now. You are so full of imagination and creativity. That is so refreshing. I tried this page and it is great because you can choose in what level are you and what things in EL you want to improve. Today I am very short but you get the point. I hope that I will be reading something new from you very soon.

    1. Hello my dear... I am really glad that you like my blog and my posts. This page is also new for me, but I had to share it with you because it's amazing. I hope so that you will continue with reading my posts, and if you have any suggestions, fell free and send it to me.
