Saturday 30 May 2015


Hello again :) For all posts I wrote about different things, and for this I chose tips for learn English faster. I hope so you will like it.

1. Take a deep breath and speak
The more you think about speaking, the more nervous you'll get. Yust try speaking more. For example, you can speak with your friends or roommates. Or just you can argue or talk with your siblings if you don't want you parents to understand.

2. Don't apologize for not knowing everything or "Not speaking English!" You are learning English. 
You don't say "I don't know how to cook that." and stop cooking new things. You just keep doing your best and you learn more and more as time goes on. Don't say "I don't speak English." Instead you could say:
- "I am learning English. Could you speak a little slower?"
- "I'm sorry, I didn't understand."
- "Could you repeat that?"
- "What does ____ mean?"

3. Stop translating everything word for word to your native language. If you are doing it, STOP right now. 
 Translating everything is slowing down your progress. If you hear something in English and instantly try to translate it to your native language; you will not be focusing on learning English, but rather translating. When you hear people speaking in English you should listen for words you DO understand or use contextual clues.

4. Try your ears to understand
You need to focus and listen. Train your ears to listen for words that you know in English. listen for patterns. Don't focus on grammar or single words. Focus on the phrases. Listen to English movies, music, and TV. Listen to the way things are phrased or ordered. If you train your ears, you will automatically start to understand more when people speak English.

5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Fear can stop you from learning English.
Stop being so afraid to speak English! You need to let go and relax. You need to stop thinking of the "What if's..?" Instead focus on doing and your actions. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The more you do something the better you get at it. To be a better English speaker and understand more English you need to stop being afraid of making mistakes.

6. Keep trying, Don't give up!
The more you practice speaking English, reading English, listening to English, and writing in English the better you will get. You won't be able to speak English fluently tomorrow or even next month. Over time if you put in the effort, you will be more comfortable and know a lot more English.

7. Keep a small notebook... write down important phrases. 
Write down entire phrases that you hear. You could write it down because you think you will use it, you learned something new, or you didn't understand. When you look back at the notebook later you will have the whole phrase; instead of one world with no example. By writing down the entire phrase you mind remember is like that. Next time you need it, the whole phrase will come out, instead of just one word.

8. Try something new
Have been trying to learn English the same way for the last year? Or even more? Try something new! Change is good for you. It will help you grow.
-try listening to English podcast,
-take an online English class,
-listen to music in English,
-watch TV or news in English,
-watch You Tube English lessons,
-take a class from a different teacher,
-do a language exchange online or in your city
-find an English speaking friend.

I hope that this tips will help someone. Good luck!

Saturday 23 May 2015


Hi there! Today I made an effort to find a webpage that both kids and adults can use to improve their english.On this webpage you can choose between different categories wheter you want to learn some basic English rules or you want your child to start learnig English as soon as possible. There is plenty of cartoons on this webpage so they can watch and learn at the same time.You need to make an account on this webpage but it'all free which is a huge benefit.
If you haven't already checked this page I highly suggest you.Hope you enjoy it.Untill next reading.

Thursday 14 May 2015


Hello guys,
We all speak English and usually we think that we speak it very well, so we forget on some grammar mistakes. Maybe, at first it's not important to pay attention on grammar or mistakes, but later, we have to learn to speak fluently and correctly.
For this post, I chose the most common mistakes in English language.

1. He told that... He said me...
This is very common mistake.
It is very important to appoint the person, so it's correct to say He told me/you/him. It must be the person.
He said "get out" or He said "hello" to Dave. But it's not necessary to say to specify to whom we said.

2. I think yes
Sometimes I used this, but it's never too late to correct mistakes. I think so or I don't think so. That is how we agree or disagree.

3. I work here 10 years
Ten years is unfinished period of time, You can say I've been working here 10 years, or I worked here for 10 years.

4. I've done it 10 years ago
We don't use Present Perfect. We must use Past Simple if we know when something was. So, correct form of this sentence is "I did it 10 years ago." But if we use period of time it's always  Present Perfect.

5. I feel myself... I behave myself...
For example, a lot of students usually say I feel myself happy, but you don't have to say myself, just saying I feel happy is correct.
I behave myself . It's just enough to say I behave badly. 

6. I made something bad
Maybe this is OK in some situations, but when you talk about bad action, Generally you use make when you create something (like dinner). When you talk about some other, you use did. For example,  I did something bad.

7. He was so bad man 
This is also very common. Bad is adjective and man is noun. There you can't use so in this sentence with noun man. Only you can say He was so bad or He was such a bad man. 

8. He 's not very good/bad in... 
This is preposition mistake. We all make mistakes with prepositions. It's on, so, we have to say He's not very good at Science. 

9. I can't to explain. 
For this example, after modal verbs can't use to, it's just I can't explain. 

10. He has been in Paris.
This is again preposition mistake. You can't say that, because instead in we use to. So, he has been to Paris is right.

That is all for this time, hope you like it.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Increase your vocabulary

Welcome back to my blog...
Topic for this post is "Increase your vocabulary", and I am going to give you some tips for learning new words. 

The most important think that you can do to increase your vocabulary is READ! Read a lot. Anything and everything. But, you should read what you are interested in. And also WRITE, write a lot. Use a words that you learned and don't forget them. Ever time you learn new word, write it in notebook, in sentence. Make sure that sentence clearly shows that you know the meaning of the word. 
DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF TO ONE WORD! When you learn a new word, make sure that you learned different forms of the same word. For example: You have adjective beautiful, but also you can learn adverb beautifully, verb beautify and noun beauty. And, you have four new words in your vocabulary. 
LISTEN! Listen to any spoken English that you can. We all heard for TED.COM. It's a good site, people give talks and lectures about different topics. There, you can find a lot interesting topics and certainly you will find something for you. Listen carefully. Anytime you hear a word that you don't recognize, write it down. If you don't know the spelling, write it phonetically. Write the word just like it sound and then, if you have access to a transcript (all the words that were spoken written down) check the transcript and find your word. If you don't have a transcript go to a dictionary. I recommend you English-English version of dictionary, This way you are learning more words. If you don't know meaning of the one word in dictionary, maybe you will try to find meaning of that word in it's definition, and you will increase your vocabulary for two more words. 

That's my advice, if you want to know more words.
I hope you like it.
To the next writing...

Friday 1 May 2015


Hello again,

Like in every language, and in English we have expressions that are informal. This means that there are many ways to say the same thing, depending on where you are, who are you talking to, and how you feel. In this lesson, we will be examining the specific vocabulary and structures used in informal situations. 

I'll say - 
This phrase is generally used alone and for emphasis.Used to say - I strongly agree. Example - Did you enjoy the film?-I'll say. 

Fat Chance -
A very poor chance.
Example :Fat chance I’ll ever get a new car.

I rest my case -
Something that you say when someone says or does something that proves the truth of something you have just said.
 Example - 'It's time Natasha left home, or she'll never learn to be independent.' 'She doesn't even know how to boil an egg.' 'I rest my case.'

What's the catch-
A question regarding the condition that is expected to follow a generous favor; "catch" could also be used individually as a term for a condition.
Example - 
Scott: Hey man, my boss got us two free tickets to see the Lakers game. 
Joe: What's the catch? 

Good call - 
Used to express approval (or criticism) of a person's decision or suggestion.
Example - "So you asked her to leave? Good call"

Take your pick - 
To choose what you want.
Example- We've got tea, coffee, or hot chocolate - take your pick.

Make yourself at home.-
Please make yourself comfortable in my home.
Example - Please come in and make yourself at home. 

It's a small world-
Said when a coincidence happens resulting from people knowing each other or meeting each other in unexpected circumstances.. 
Example: I never thought I'd run into Samantha at a movie theatre -it's a small world.